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How & Why You Should Re-Purpose Your Company Blog on LinkedIn

by LinkedIn Marketing

The online content choices you make for your business are hopefully driven by what’s relevant to your organisational brand and what your community values.  In some ways blogs have become the domain of the B2B (Business to Business) focused organisation. Blogs play a role when potential clients are doing online research and want to learn about particular topics as they may relate to their business and the problems you can help them solve.

In this Twitter article about the Content Marketing Institute’s blogging tips for B2B marketers, we read that:

  • 60% of successful B2B marketers say blogging is the most effective format used to distribute content
  • search engines love blogs as they improve SEO rankings
  • blogs provide a branded environment that’s optimal for your content and aligned with your corporate goals

Where does LinkedIn fit into Your Blogging Plan?

The Social Media Examiner Industry Report 2018 found that, in terms of the platforms B2B marketers use, LinkedIn is the second biggest platform with 79% of B2B marketers using LinkedIn.  When I work with clients on their plans for LinkedIn, I like to review their website content first to assess how they are presenting their business online. In many cases we are able to repurpose evergreen and blog content from the website.

One of the reasons I recommend organisations with a website blog also then post the relevant content on LinkedIn is because it:

  • helps you drive more traffic to your website
  • will help build your organisation’s authority in your industry
  • has the potential to broaden your reach and increase your follower base
  • maximises your investment in the content you’ve already developed

3 Ways to Share Your Blog on LinkedIn

1. Share the link from your latest blog to your LinkedIn company page

In this example below I’ve shown you the text I’d write on a post for Think Bespoke’s LinkedIn company page before inserting the link to the website blog, adding the relevant hashtags and then clicking the post button.

how to repurpose your b2b blog on linkedin



2. Share the link from your latest blog to your team’s LinkedIn Profiles

In this example below I’ve shown you the text I’d write in my LinkedIn Profile post before inserting the link to the website blog, adding the relevant hashtags and then clicking the post button.

how to repurpose your blog on linkedin

3. Re-purpose the blog as a LinkedIn Article via your team’s LinkedIn Profile and provide a link back to the original blog at the end of the LinkedIn Article

In the examples below I’ve shown you how to write a LinkedIn article from your LinkedIn Profile and the view of the draft LinkedIn article. This is where you can cut and paste your blog and add the image and headline. I also recommend you provide a link back to the original blog at the bottom or include a bio that links back to your website. You may decide to give Google a few days to index your original blog from the website before sharing it as a LinkedIn article.

how to repurpose your b2b blog on linkedin

how to repurpose your b2b blog on linkedin

How Can We Help?

Think Bespoke has resources across the website to help your LinkedIn Journey. If you have any questions, please contact us. 

Karen Hollenbach, LinkedIn Expert Consultant, Educator & Mentor

Karen Hollenbach, LinkedIn Expert Consultant, Educator & Mentor

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