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How to Mention People in Posts or Comments on LinkedIn

by LinkedIn Training

In this article you will learn how to mention people in posts or comments on LinkedIn.

If you’re getting frustrated with LinkedIn taking its time to let you tag or mention colleagues when you are posting on LinkedIn, you are not alone! While the LinkedIn User Experience is improving, the reality is we need to be patient when we want to tag or mention someone in a post on LinkedIn.

I will type in @ and begin to write the first few letters of the person’s name and then wait a few seconds. If I am connected to the person, their name will come up quicker. Sometimes it works faster than others. Sometimes I have to have a few goes before it works.

Why Mention People in Posts or Comments on LinkedIn

You may want to mention a connection or other LinkedIn member to thank them, to acknowledge something they have written or to highlight their contribution or involvement with a recent event or conference. Mentioning or tagging your connections in this way can encourage engagement with your posts and comments and draw your connection’s attention to your update.

The mention or tag will notify your connections that your post or comment might be relevant to them. It is important to note that connections mentioned in your post or comment are associated with their profiles.

How to Mention People in Posts or Comments on LinkedIn

LinkedIn members don’t need to be your connection in order to mention you or be mentioned by you.  Here’s how to mention people in your LinkedIn Posts or Comments.

From your LinkedIn homepage, click Start a post or click Comment at the bottom of someone else’s post.

Type “@” and then begin typing a name. You’ll see a list of potential people you can mention.

Click the name of the person or people you want to mention from the list and continue typing your message.

Common Questions About Mentioning People on LinkedIn

Will the person I mention in the post be notified? Yes. After you select someone from the list and finish your post, that person will receive an email and app notifications of the mention. However, if LinkedIn members will not receive a notification about the mention if they have turned off this notification setting.
Can I edit a post or comment after mentioning someone?
Yes. You can edit your posts and comments to remove or add a mention.
Do I need the person’s permission to mention them? No, but make sure you have thought carefully about the way in which you are associating them with your post and whether it is professional, appropriate and relevant.
Is mentioning people I know who have lots of LinkedIn followers a good way to drive traffic to my LinkedIn posts. No. This is not recommended.
Can I mention people in LinkedIn articles and newsletters. Yes. This feature is now available.

How to Disable Mentions on LinkedIn

If you don’t want people to be able to mention you in a LinkedIn post you can disable this in your privacy and settings please follow the instructions in this article.

How to Remove a Mention or Tag of Yourself on LinkedIn

How to Tag People in your LinkedIn Photos

Tagging people in your photos encourages engagement with your images. Tagging people notifies those members that your photo might be relevant to them and these tagged photos become linked with the associated members’ profiles. Viewers can click on connection names to navigate to their profiles. After you tag someone and finish your post, that person will receive a notification and an email letting them know they were tagged, unless they turned off this notification setting.

At the top of your homepage, click Photo in the share box.
Select images you’d like to upload. You can select up to nine images for your post.
Click Tag in the Edit your photo pop-up window, and then click anywhere on the photo.

Type the name of the member you want to tag, and click on the name to add the tag.

Repeat these steps to tag more people. You can tag up to 30 people per photo. 

For multiple photos, scroll to each selected image in the Edit your photo pop-up window.

(Optional, but recommended) Click Add alt text to describe the contents of your photo. Adding alternative text makes your photo more accessible.

Click Done to preview.

(Optional, but recommended) Type the content of your post in the What do you want to talk about? field in the Create a post pop-up window. The character limit for a post is 3000 characters.

  • Note: The change in character limit for a post will be gradually rolled out and may not be available to you at this time. If you don’t see this yet, please check back in the coming weeks.
Select who you want to share the post with.
Click Post.

Common Questions About Tagging People in your LinkedIn Photos

Will the person I tag in the photo be notified? Yes. After you select someone from the list and finish your post, that person will receive an email and app notifications of the tag. However, if LinkedIn members will not receive a notification about the mention if they have turned off this notification setting.
Can I edit a post or comment after tagging someone in a photo?
Yes. You can edit your posts and comments to add or remove the tag.
Do I need the person’s permission to tag them in a photo? You need their permission to share the photo if they are in it. It is good manners to get their permission to tag them in the photo.
Is tagging people I know who have lots of LinkedIn followers a good way to drive traffic to my LinkedIn posts. No. This is not recommended.
Does LinkedIn have photo size requirements? Yes. The size limit for an upload is 5 MB. LinkedIn recommends the image be at least 552 (w) x 276 (h) pixels. Image frame ratio ranges from 3:1 to 4:5 (width/height). If the ratio is larger, the image will be centred and cropped.
Can uploaded images be resized? No. At this stage, uploaded images can’t be resized.

Need help with LinkedIn?

Browse Think Bespoke’s website library and knowledge base for helpful articles about LinkedIn Training, LinkedIn Profile, LinkedIn Marketing and Career Management.

Karen Hollenbach, LinkedIn Expert Consultant, Educator & Mentor

Karen Hollenbach, LinkedIn Expert Consultant, Educator & Mentor

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