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How to Use LinkedIn to Help Make Your Career Change

by My Career

In this article we explore how to use LinkedIn to help make your career change.

I’ve successfully made a career change from a full time corporate strategic marketing role to running my own educational consultancy. LinkedIn was an invaluable research and marketing tool for me as I researched, planned and implemented my career change. Here are four ways you can use LinkedIn to help make your career change.

In today’s fast-paced professional landscape, making a career change has become more common than ever before. Whether you’re looking for new challenges, better compensation, or simply a change of scenery, LinkedIn is a powerful tool to aid in this transition. Here’s how you can harness the power of LinkedIn to make your career transition a seamless and successful one.

Optimise Your Profile: The First Impression Matters

Your LinkedIn profile is the first point of contact for potential employers or professional connections who are looking for particular skills. Identifying and highlighting your transferable skills is a key way to move into a new industry. Start by updating your headline to reflect your desired career path, making it clear what you’re seeking. Craft a compelling About section that tells your unique career story and gives people a sense of your aspirations. A professional headshot and a background image that aligns with your industry also contribute to creating a positive impression. The hardest part of your LinkedIn profile to write is the About section. We can help with this. in the article below and with our on demand LinkedIn Profile Essentials online course that teaches you how to write your LinkedIn profile.

How to Write a Good LinkedIn Profile About Section

Highlight Transferable Skills: Bridging the Gap

During a career change, your previous experiences might not directly align with your new path. However, you likely have transferable skills that are valuable in any industry. Identify these skills – such as communication, problem-solving, leadership, or project management – and emphasise them in your profile, About section, and experience descriptions. Clearly articulate how these skills can be applied to your new role, assuring potential employers of your versatility.

Seek Recommendations and Endorsements: Social Proof

Gathering recommendations and endorsements from former colleagues, supervisors, or clients adds a layer of social proof to your profile. These endorsements validate your skills and abilities and provide insights into your work ethic. Request recommendations from individuals who can speak to your adaptability, willingness to learn, and how you’ve made an impact. Quality recommendations can set you apart and make a lasting impression.

How to Add Recommendations to Your LinkedIn Profile

Network, Network, Network: Building Meaningful Connections

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform and can help connect you with professionals from various fields. Begin by connecting with colleagues, supervisors, friends, and acquaintances you’ve interacted with throughout your career. Actively seek out professionals in your desired industry or role, sending personalised invitations to connect to explain your intentions. Engage with their content by commenting and sharing insightful thoughts. Remember, the goal is to establish authentic relationships, not just accumulate connections.

How to Network for Job Search and Access the Hidden Job Market

Utilise Job Search Tools: Finding the Right Opportunities

LinkedIn’s job search tools can help you research what the market is currently looking for. Utilise filters to narrow down your search based on industry, location, experience level, and more. Follow companies you’re interested in to receive updates on their latest job postings and news. Additionally, consider setting up job alerts to receive notifications for new openings matching your criteria. Don’t hesitate to apply for roles where your transferable skills and enthusiasm shine, even if you don’t meet every requirement.

How to Use LinkedIn for Job Search

Engage in Conversations: Meaningful Interactions

Engaging in meaningful conversations with your connections can open doors to unexpected opportunities. Comment on their posts, share your insights, and offer your assistance when appropriate. These interactions help you stay on their radar and build a stronger professional relationship. Be genuine and helpful in your interactions – networking is a two-way street.

Learn and Up-skill: Continuous Growth

Embarking on a career change often requires learning new skills or gaining additional knowledge. LinkedIn Learning offers a plethora of courses covering a wide range of topics. Completing relevant courses not only enhances your skills but also demonstrates your commitment to professional growth on your profile. Most local library memberships give you access to LinkedIn Learning for free.

Be Patient and Persistent: Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

A successful career change rarely happens overnight. It requires time, effort, and persistence. Stay patient and keep refining your profile, expanding your network, and learning from your interactions. Celebrate small victories along the way, such as meaningful connections made or insightful conversations held. Each step takes you closer to your goal.

Need help with LinkedIn?

Browse Think Bespoke’s website library and knowledge base for helpful articles about LinkedIn Training, LinkedIn Profile, LinkedIn Marketing and Career Management.

Karen Hollenbach, LinkedIn Expert Consultant, Educator & Mentor

Karen Hollenbach, LinkedIn Expert Consultant, Educator & Mentor

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