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How to Create a LinkedIn Company Page

by LinkedIn Training

This article shows you how to create a LinkedIn company page for your organisation on LinkedIn. This is a free feature for any size of business and any type of organisation, including social enterprises, educational institutions, freelancers and consultancies.

The LinkedIn Company Page feature creates a free listing for your organisation on LinkedIn. The creation of a LinkedIn Company Page is how you get your logo on your team’s LinkedIn Profiles, in the experience section, and where potential clients, collaborators and suppliers can find out more about your organisation.

How to Create a LinkedIn Company Page

To get started, you must first have a LinkedIn profile with your real first and last name before you can complete the below steps to create a Company Page.

Click the For Business icon in the upper-right corner of your LinkedIn homepage.

Scroll down and click Create a Company Page +

Select the Page type:

  • Company
  • Showcase page
  • Educational institution

Enter your Page identity, Company or Institution details, and Profile details information.

Check the verification box to confirm you have the right to act on behalf of the company or school.

Click the Create page button.

If you receive a red error message, try LinkedIn’s troubleshooting tips here for creating your Page.

Click Start building your page! to finish building your LinkedIn Page.


Common Questions about Creating a LinkedIn Page

Do I have to create a LinkedIn Page for my business?

No, but I recommend you do to claim your URL and to get your brand/organisation’s logo on your LinkedIn profile. Having a LinkedIn Page does not mean you need to post from it. Listen to this podcast episode where I explore How to Decide LinkedIn Profile vs LinkedIn Company Page Posting Plan.

What action can I take if a page with the same name already exists?

A Page representing your organisation may already exist on LinkedIn. Check to see if the existing Page represents your organisation. If your organisation already has a Page, you can request admin access to it instead of creating a new Page.

If the existing Page represents a different organisation, you can create a new Page for your organisation but you’ll need to select a LinkedIn URL for your Page that has not already been taken.

If your Page already exists you can request admin access here.

If I have just created my LinkedIn profile account, how quickly can I create a LinkedIn page for my business? If you recently created your LinkedIn account, you’ll need to wait before creating a Page. Wait at least one day before trying again.
What if our desired URL is already taken? Each Page needs to have a unique public URL, so if your desired URLis taken, you’ll need to select a different URL. For example, if linkedin.com/company/do-re-mi is already in use, you can try linkedin.com/company/do-re-me-inc

Are there any suggested formats for the Company Page URL?


Yes. LinkedIn advises that the company page URL must contain at least one non-numeric character. It can be a lowercase alphabet, numeric, hyphen, or Chinese, Japanese, or Korean (CJK) Unicode. It must not include more than one consecutive hyphen (i.e. company–name) and can’t have a hyphen at the beginning or end (i.e. -company-name or company-name-). Any improper characters will be automatically replaced with a hyphen.
Can I just create a LinkedIn profile for my business? No. LinkedIn advises that personal profiles that represent businesses or groups rather than authentic member names may be flagged as spam or abuse.


Need help with LinkedIn?

Browse Think Bespoke’s website library and knowledge base for helpful articles about LinkedIn Training, LinkedIn Profile, LinkedIn Marketing and Career Management.

Karen Hollenbach, LinkedIn Expert Consultant, Educator & Mentor

Karen Hollenbach, LinkedIn Expert Consultant, Educator & Mentor

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